It can be hard to shop for a spinner if you don't spin yourself.
You thought it would be easy, right?
I mean, how hard could it *possibly* be?
So you headed on over to Etsy and you searched for "spinning fiber"...
...And then you realized that there's batts and top and roving and clouds and sliver and silk hankies and loose handfuls of curly mohair or wool locks, and you're pretty sure that at some point in your searching you saw actual silk cocoons dyed with a worm quite possibly still inside them, and you have NO idea what a person would do with a silk cocoon dyed bright colors with a dead worm in it. Except that they must be good for something, because they're for sale and people buy them.
But you persevered! You picked a type of fiber. Batts. Or top. Or loose fiber. Whatever your choice, you made a choice. Go you! Mission accomplished!
...But, then you realized that there's wool and mohair and silk and alpaca and llama and cotton and angora and bamboo and flax and hemp and you're pretty sure at some point you saw actual camel fur for sale. And you figure it must be good for something, because it's for sale and people buy it, but there's a little tiny part of you that is afraid that it might not be a good idea to buy your loved one several handfuls of camel fur for Christmas.
It's not that you don't trust the shopkeepers, it's just that, you know, you're trying to think of a worse Christmas present someone could give YOU than several handfuls of camel fur, and you're just not coming up with much.
So you decided to keep it simple and go with wool.
Excellent choice.
...But then you realized that there are several hundred breeds of sheep, and apparently they are all different. Merino and BFL and Punta and Falklands and Corriedale and Cheviot and Targhee and Shetland and on and on and on... and then there are crosses that combine more than one of the breeds... and then there's something called "superwash" which doesn't sound like a kind of sheep at all...
...And now you're ready to buy a gift certificate.
Good news! Spinners love gift certificates! As a matter of fact, store credit at a fiber shop is pretty much the best present you can get a spinner. Your beloved yarn-maker gets exactly what he or she likes best, and you only have to click one button. Everyone wins.
So I decided I ought to make some for my shop.
And I did.

And they are here, and you can buy them if you want.
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